The Baker Report 01/19/24 – Bringing Light To The Darkness of Islam Part 2 of 4 Parts

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Jake Baker
9 months 9 Views

The Baker Report 01/19/24 – Bringing Light To The Darkness of Islam Part 2 of 4 Parts • The Baker Report 01/19/24 – Bringing Light To The Darkness of Islam • Dr. Jay Smith Brings The Sword of The Spirit To Battle The Demonic Forces of Islam • Birthing The Warrior in You – The Time of Great Power – At A Time Of Great Darkness • The Glorious War – And You Are A Warrior Shaking The Powers of Hell … And Redeeming The Time Because The Days Are Evil. (Eph 5) • You Can End The Past And Allow Yahweh To Give You A New Identity – Being Remade, Better – Stronger – A Mighty Warrior With A Whole New Way of Living In Strength and Power – Here’s How • We Have Been Called To Be Soldiers of The Cross. This Is The Greatest Adventure In Human History And We Are A Part of This Prophetic Unfolding … • Breathe It In – Cherish Every Moment of It.